Scheduling Self-Care — a 2021 Must

Eliza Hedley
3 min readFeb 4, 2021
Image: Pinterest

We live busy lives. That’s just the facts. And amongst balancing our careers and work, our passions, our loved ones, friendships, a social life, and being a functioning human, the practice of self-care often gets forgotten.

I see self-care as an integral part of our wellbeing. It’s filling up our cup. Putting ourselves first (which so many of us are guilt of not doing). Recharging our batteries, so we can show up as our most revitalised, best self.

When we think of self-care, we tend to think of the physical — getting a facial, getting our nails and hair done, massage, sauna, all that delicious lavish stuff that definitely does falls under the self-care umbrella.

But self-care in my understanding, isn’t just in the dimension of the physical, it’s also the emotional, psychological and environmental too. And how we nurture and take care of those aspects of ourselves.

Self-care is sometimes the hard, tedious things we don’t want to do. The disciplined actions that benefits our future self often more so than our present self. Whether it’s exercising, journaling and meditation, saying no, establishing boundaries, taking a day off when we’re sick. It’s the things we sometimes have to do in order to grow and evolve.

Self-care can look like;

· Getting a facial

· An infrared sauna

· Having a staycation and being pampered

· Buying and reading a fucking awesome book

· Doing a poo when we need to

· Watching an entire season of Gossip Girl eating popcorn

· Stretching for 20 minutes

· Getting a remedial massage

· Having some good sex

· Booking a yoga class

· Meditating every day/ night

· Journaling consistently

· Having open, vulnerable conversations

· Releasing what no longer serves us

· Wearing sunscreen

· Getting a blood test done

· Taking our herbs/supplements

· Going to bed early to get 8 hours of sleep

· Moving our bodies

· Eating good food,

All of this feeds back into our self-worth.

Because, like L’Oreal; you’re worth it.

And when we feel worthy, we leave fear and scarcity, and live in love and abundance.

When we ignore self-care, self-sabotage creeps in. It’s that voice that says “you don’t have to do that”. It keeps us stuck, repeating the same day over and over and getting frustrated and upset that nothings changing.

It’s doing what’s good for us, not what’s always easy and delicious. It’s considering how this will serve us in the future, not just in the present.

Self care isn’t just enjoyable and luxurious too. It’s necessary.

And we often have to literally schedule in, set reminders, create a routine around incorporating self-care into our lives, to ensure we’re consistently filling ourselves back up.

Self-care also serves us in that it faces off self-sabotage, and cultivates deep self-love, which enriches our lives. When we have a deeper relationship with ourselves, when we respect ourselves, we make better decisions and we vibrate at a higher level that invites high vibe people and situations into our lives.



Eliza Hedley

Eliza Hedley is a Holistic Nutritionist (BHSc) and is obsessed with helping individuals experience living at a higher level.